Fashion Dilemma…Fashion Friday

I know it’s not Fashion Friday yet at WASGC but I couldn’t help myself. I have a very important event this Saturday (My awesome Mom’s birthday!! Love you mama!) and I am struggling with figuring out what to wear. We have dinner reservations at a nice restaurant and then are headed to the bowling alley for some fun with the fam. So the question is what to wear? Nothing overly dressy and nothing overly casual, classy but sassy and comfy not frumpy. You can see the dilemma. We’ve all struggled with figuring out what to wear to specific events at one time or another but here are a few inspiring outfits that would work for this very occasion. The link will take you where you need to go! I think I’m leaning towards outfit number 1:) Not even a hideous pair of bowling shoes could detract from the fabulousness of this outfit!