Seabass’ Diary…Day 71…Museum

the kittycatclan. com

June 30, 2016-At that moment I had complete faith in my team; I knew that they would follow through with the plan we had devised and that it would be executed flawlessly. As the human held me in her grasp I briefly thought about attacking her but I decided to restrain myself for the moment; If I did not fully co-operate and follow my own instructions, there would be no chance of escaping or rescuing Simba.

I was loaded into a black vehicle that contained the tall, thin human, Edgardo, his henchmen and Henri. I had not laid eyes on Henri since he whisked Simba away which was on our very first day here; I thought about attacking him also but I remained calm. I had a job to do and I knew that it was very dangerous so I needed to keep my wits about me. We travelled in…

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